A Mississippian in Japan — A series on serious food

A Mississippian in Japan — A series on serious food

When I first told my extended family I was moving to Japan, my sister was excited for me, but my stuck-in-her-ways mother exclaimed, “But they eat raw fish over there.” I said, “Yes Mom, they call it sashimi and I am told it is delicious and so fresh that it doesn’t taste too fishy at all.”As I have

Give yourself the gift of mental health awareness

Give yourself the gift of mental health awareness

I have spent almost 30 years on the proverbial couches of licensed therapists and in the offices of various pastors, as well as a week at an emotional healing retreat called Onsite, outside Nashville, where I received intensive therapy. In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month, here are 10 things I

Hosemann: Lessons from voter ID law can drive healthcare reform legislation

Hosemann: Lessons from voter ID law can drive healthcare reform legislation

In 2011, as your Secretary of State, when I proposed a new policy to protect your vote — and the integrity of our elections — I was told repeatedly that Mississippi’s newly enacted Voter ID law would not pass constitutional muster. The U.S. Department of Justice will single out Mississippi, they sai

Robert St. John’s Top 25 cookbooks

Robert St. John’s Top 25 cookbooks

The view from my desk is inspirational. I’ve been in the same office for 27 years. There are no windows, but I have surrounded myself with things that inspire me and things that I love.There are a lot of photos of family all over the room. There are also a lot of photos of the Beatles. There are odd

Next Up: Taking control of your career

Next Up: Taking control of your career

For many young professionals, the question of “Where do you see yourself in five years?” can be daunting.For me, it was especially challenging to answer after moving to a new state, jumping into an unfamiliar job market, and learning to call the Mississippi Gulf Coast home all in the early stages of

Robert St. John’s advice to upcoming graduates 2024

Robert St. John’s advice to upcoming graduates 2024

My advice to upcoming graduates: You are a few years away from beginning your professional life, but you are only weeks away from planning for it. The decision you make about your professional life should be the easiest decision you ever make — your career should be about one thing: passion.It’s not

St. John: Even from Italy, Mississippi is still home

St. John: Even from Italy, Mississippi is still home

It’s true that there’s no place like home, and I deeply and dearly love my hometown of Hattiesburg and my home state of Mississippi. I could live other places, but I never will. My roots are in South Mississippi. I am a seventh generation citizen of the Pine Belt and I am Mississippi to the core. Te

St. John: The Best Job Ever

St. John: The Best Job Ever

There are many emotions associated with parenthood. Joy and amusement come to mind immediately. The early responsibilities of parenting can bring worry and guilt. There can be irritation and disappointment as well. The unique thing about being a parent is that sometimes one can feel several of those

Column: Keeping the public’s wildlife public

Column: Keeping the public’s wildlife public

Efforts have been underway for the past few years that would significantly reverse Mississippi’s quality white-tailed deer management efforts. We are already seeing the widespread movement in the state of the always deadly Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) and efforts to allow the sale and/or transporta

Edwards: A midnight guide to solving the world’s problems

Edwards: A midnight guide to solving the world’s problems

No matter how hard I tried, sleep remained an elusive companion last night.It wasn’t just the usual restlessness that kept me awake; it felt like the weight of the world’s troubles was pressing heavily on my mind. My brain was stuck in the muck of the daily grind and the relentless, troubling newsfe

Chaney: Mitigation program would save money, property, and lives

Chaney: Mitigation program would save money, property, and lives

One of the top complaints I receive as Commissioner of Insurance is regarding the rate increases policyholders are seeing in this difficult market. I am certainly sympathetic to this, as I have seen rate increases on my own property as well. Inflation and supply chain issues have affected the cost o

Opinion: It’s time to take Chronic Wasting Disease seriously

Opinion: It’s time to take Chronic Wasting Disease seriously

In the world of Mississippi’s outdoors, a quote by John Audubon serves as a clarion call: “A true conservationist is a man who knows that the world is not given by his fathers but borrowed from his children.” This sentiment underscores the significance of protecting and preserving our natural resour

Robert St. John: Nobody’s poet

Robert St. John: Nobody’s poet

In the late 1990s, I was asked by my local newspaper to write a weekly food column. I politely declined citing an overloaded schedule and lack of any known writing skills. They were persistent and kept asking until one day, after the fourth or fifth ask, I gave in and agreed. Once that first column

A Mississippian in Japan — Weapons Engagement Zone

A Mississippian in Japan — Weapons Engagement Zone

One small sliver of light began to peek through the blackout curtains at the head of my bed. The light coming through was human error. It seems I had haphazardly shut the curtains before I went to bed the night before.I have a beautiful view of the East China Sea, but my floor-to-ceiling windows tha

Gipson: Agriculture holds key to Mississippi workforce challenges

Gipson: Agriculture holds key to Mississippi workforce challenges

Most everyone seems to understand that workforce development is crucial in addressing Mississippi’s labor challenges. Most everyone accepts that reaching our youth, training them and keeping them in Mississippi is key to our success when it comes to workforce development. As Ag Commissioner, I beli

Robert St. John: I love this business

Robert St. John: I love this business

In the 1985 Ron Howard movie, “Cocoon,” a group of senior citizens from a retirement home break into an abandoned indoor swimming pool filled with alien pods. The energy radiated from the pods at the bottom of the pool gives the seniors bucketloads of youthful vigor and renewed energy.I haven’t been

A Mississippian in Japan — Took off like a bullet

A Mississippian in Japan — Took off like a bullet

I wrote the following as I screamed along the Japanese countryside between the cities of Hiroshima and Fukuoka at 200 miles per hour.My family and I got ambitious and decided to escape our small island in the South Pacific known as Okinawa. We wanted a big adventure for the holidays. We booked fligh

Robert St. John: Good morning, Hattiesburg

Robert St. John: Good morning, Hattiesburg

A few weeks ago, an interviewer asked, “Give me a typical day in the life of Robert St. John.”I had never thought about it and so my knee-jerk reaction was, “Every day is different.” That’s true. But there is a certain structure to how my day typically begins.When I’m working out, the day starts at